Monday, March 30, 2020


Cherry Trees in Tokyo  
I know I’m nearing home. Waiting for our flight in  Dallas/Fort Worth airport, I can hear a Miami-bound Cuban shouting into his cellphone. As Patten said, he’s had the same experience when he’s flown, and it is vaguely comforting. I thought we’re the only Americans over 60 flying, but there is a couple of LDS missionaries here trying to get to Salt Lake City from their post in East Timor.

Okinawa airport was fairly full, Haneda airport less so. For our short flight from Okinawa to mainland Japan, I changed our seats to the two center in the middle section of four. My gamble paid off, and we had no seatmates, nor anyone in the row in front of us and only two people behind us. I wished it were the other way round, but can’t have everything. We are about the only people not wearing masks.

The bus for Narita airport had 5 riders, and the airport was almost empty. We had ¥10000 cash. Rather than exchanging it for dollars, I planned to do some souvenir shopping. As we walked through the few open stores, the sales staff were on us like hawks. I hope they are not on commission. Nothing called to me. We ended up going to the exchange shop.

Last Japanese-ish Meal:
Chicken with Aona Rice, Salmon Shashimi  
I changed our seats on our Dallas portion to a window and an aisle, figuring that gave us only one outside contact. Premium Economy was half full, but they still weren’t letting people jump up from steerage, as proved by the guy who tried twice to slip into the seat next to his friend sitting in front of us. The extremely polite flight attendants helped him back to his assigned seat each time. That put the damper on my trying to get to First Class.

They did serve us upgraded wine from business class.

Dinner in Dallas  
Even though Dallas/Fort Worth airport is empty, we still had slow times through security because Grant had left his ebook in his backpack. Always fine before, but it meant his carryon stuff had to be sent through X-ray again. The guy behind him was stopped for the same thing too? Is TSA is adding restrictions to keep themselves busy since no one is flying?

The potential seat changer had missed where to drop off luggage previously checked so he tried to carry his surfboard through security. No go. He seemed bewildered until I told him how to get back down stairs to where the airline staff was collecting through bags. He wandered that way. He and his buddy aren’t sitting at our gate waiting to go to Miami, so I guess at least one other plane is leaving DFW today, but there sure aren’t  many. This virus is killing us.

I only wept slightly when I thought about how lucky we were to be able to visit our grandchildren these past two months. Remi grew from a newborn to a smiling baby who laughs when I play with him. Bella has consumed my heart. Counting yennies with her, singing Baby Shark, holding her hand.  All wonderful. Thank God we can see them by video and that they will soon be in the States. I’m making reservations for July.

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