Sunday, February 2, 2020

First Impressions, First Cherry Blossoms

Mt Fuji
Back to the domestic terminal by 5:00 AM, retrieved our big suitcase and carryon from the locker, in line before the ticket counter opened. Quickly checked our bags and quickly through security with the only glitch that we both had tweezers in our carryons. Both pairs were examined and returned to us. On to Okinawa.

Tokyo seems full of energy, ready to accomplish something. Okinawa seems a little run down, less excited about life. Faded signs, weeds along the roadside, buildings without paint, yet I didn’t see any closed businesses. Perhaps looking a little seedy is a cultural thing, like their airing out futons on balconies.  Our Moroccan guide said often the Arab homes looked unfinished, yet were opulent on the inside, because they didn’t want their neighbors to feel envy. Perhaps Okinawans agree.

Remi and Bella
Mary and children were at the grocery store when Ryan brought us from the airport to their apartment, which gave us time to unpack before the whirlwind, AKA Isabella, appeared. “Grammy, Grammy, Grammy”. My heart is so filled with this little being. She runs back and forth in the apartment, helping put away groceries or bringing  me a toy, just delighted in the process and that she can do it herself. True joy. Eight-day-old Remi sleeps and eats and has his diapers changed. He is in charge of the first, Mary the second, and Ryan, on two weeks paternity leave, handles all the last.

Mary is magnificent: tandem nursing, cooking dinner, attending to Bella, shopping. I worried she is overextending, but she assures me she is paying attention to herself and her needs. What a powerful woman my daughter is. I am so very lucky to be here and see her in action. How to say I see a lot of me in her without bragging? Yet, I was a powerful women when I was her age. After an easy home birth, Mary developed breathing problems. We rushed her to the hospital, and for the next 10 days, I stood vigil at the neonatal intensive care unit while the doctors treated her symptoms. We didn’t realize she had developed problems latching on while she was there, slurping my pumped breast milk from bottles. After a week at home, she had become dehydrated, and my formerly abundant milk had dried to a trickle. With the help of knowledgeable lactation consultant Christine, and my absolute commitment, we got back on track. Two months of pumping, too much equipment, many tears, but Mary and I succeeded.

Now I am tired. This trip has exhausted me. I need a day to recover. But, wait, there’s more. We are going to see cherry blossoms, today, just as soon as we pack for spending 5 days on the Motobu Peninsula, 2 hours drive north. Mary, having given birth just 8 days ago, assures me she is good to go. So much my daughter.

Todoroki Waterfall
We head north in their 2 little cars to the AirBnB she has rented. Halfway there, we stop at the Todoroki Waterfall Park for our first cherry blossom viewing. Bella runs back and forth on the paths, I just want a bed. Grant and I try canned hot coffee from a vending machine. Even that doesn’t have the energy to jolt my ancient body into awareness. Forget cherry viewing. All I want is a bed. I doze for the rest of the drive and am a zombie through dinner. A shower and bed. Good night.

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