Monday, June 24, 2019

Moby Dick

Grant's 76th birthday was an amazing day of us getting along during events that could have gone sideways.

First up was a bike ride to Virginia Key and back. Actually, first up was me as usual on the weekend. It has gotten hot, so I rousted the birthday boy early, and we were off. Good ride, no rain, however I forgot to put in a snack for me so I was pretty hungry by the time we got back. Missing breakfast is not one of my fortes. I quickly gobbled down my cereal and avoided being crabby.

Next, we put together the bed I had ordered on line. Amazing that a wooden bed can be bought and shipped all the way from China to me for under $300. I had tried to buy a used one at my usual vintage boutiques of Faith Farm and Poverello House, but both assured me that queen-sized beds are hard to find. I took command of reading the instructions, and within an hour, we had our new bed frame put together and agreed we would shop for a mattress on Sunday or Monday.

Lunch at the apartment of my usual apple and peanut butter and Grant's masubi, a rice, Spam and nori sandwich he learned of in Hawaii and now makes daily.

On to Summer Shorts at the Arsch Center, a set of 8 10-minute plays. Small incident of Grant carrying in his pocket knife which they solved by having him check it with the stage manager.
The White Whale 

So far, so good. Then we went after the white whale, the IKEA wardrobe we bought from a UM graduate moving to Maryland. First we had to carry it to the elevator. We took off the doors and shelf. It still weighed a ton. Actually, it weighed 115 pounds according to, 98 without the doors. I am too dang old for this. We struggled, getting it loaded with the help with a lawn man blowing leaves nearby. Careful drive home over the causeway bridge, and reverse the process. This time we were saved by two neighbors who carried the beast to our apartment. Then we tried to wrestle it into the guest room. Would not fit past the turn in the hall. No way, no how. Sigh, it looms in our bedroom.

8:00 PM, Grant began cooking his birthday dinner, and I reattached the doors, moved the shelf supports, and changed where the rod hung. We stood the wardrobe up and sat down to dinner

In bed by 10:00, and not a surly word between us. Maybe an exasperated sigh or two. So exhausted even my toes hurt. No matter, an awesome beginning for the next quarter century.

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